Cat Cat Village

Cat Cat Village is located on the Muong Hoa Valley, this is the village of the H’Mong hill tribe. It’s 3km far from Sapa Town and takes 45 minutes to walk here. The village is on the slope of the hill and easy for walking. Cat Cat consists of nearly 80 households of the Mong ethnic located along the stone road in the center of the villageLalaland Travel_Cát Cát Village

Visiting Cat Cat village, we can have a chance to visit a big waterfall on the stream and the old Hydro Electric Power Station built by the French with the giant water wheels in Cat Cat Village are made of bamboo in order to utilize water power to pound rice.

The Mong people have also conserved and spread traditional crafts such as weaving or carving silver, tourists also have an opportunity to discover traditional handicraft exhibitions. Skillful artisans create the beautiful handicrafts, with high quality.

Come to Cat Cat Village you can see lots of handmade products and process of making them by looms with colorful pieces of brocade by local women. A noteworthy is that H’Mong women use plants and leaves to dye the brocade fabrics then they roll a round and smooth section of wood covered with wax on fabrics to polish them, making their colors durable.

Ticket for Cat Cat Village is: 150.000vnd/person, you can visit Cat Cat Village by Car, mortobike rental and trekking with us. We provide the trekking tour starting everyday from 8am. Please contact us at Hotline +84 976189292 or email [email protected] to book a tour.

A: 558 Dien Bien Phu Street, Sapa Town, Lao Cai Province

P: 0976.18.9292 - 0398.11.9292 - 0365.06.9292 - 0368.60.9292

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